Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion

“Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close. Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe … Continue reading Berlinski on The Devil’s Delusion

On worry and anxiety

“Dear friends, may no adversity paralyze you. Be afraid neither of the world, nor of the future, nor of your weakness. The Lord has allowed you to live in this moment of history so that, by your faith, his name will continue to resound throughout the world.” - Pope Benedict XVI

If I’m So Smart, Why Am I So Dumb? Part Two

Your Rainforest Mind

Photo by Cindi, Flickr, CC Photo by Cindi, Flickr, CC

The following are my top ten reasons why you may feel “dumb,” not so smart and certainly not gifted :

#10. You’re highly sensitive, emotional, idealistic and lonely. Gifted people are cynical, logical and objective and prefer being alone to think.

#9. You have multiple interests and can’t decide on one career path. Gifted people pick one thing, stick with it and achieve greatness.

#8. You start many projects that you don’t finish. Gifted people finish things.

#7. You didn’t excel in school. Gifted people always get straight ‘As’ and never have learning disabilities.

#6. You grew up in a seriously dysfunctional family. Gifted people come from happy homes.

#5. You daydream a lot, can’t decide what color to paint your bedroom, and forget to tie your shoes. Gifted people make decisions easily, don’t daydream and never forget anything.

#4. You’re terrified of failure and have…

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Why Bother Understanding Giftedness — Won’t They All Be Fine Because They Are So Smart?

A very important arena of thought, and one that should be explored by more people.

Your Rainforest Mind

No. Not really. Nah. Nope. It’s complicated. The gifted kids and adults I have known over the years have much more going on than just “smartness” — smartness, that is often defined as excelling in school, getting high grades, winning academic awards, attending Ivy League college, or becoming the wealthy corporate CEO. And that is where the problem often begins. We need to get more specific about what being smart, or better yet, what being gifted, actually is. (Note: It may or may not include those academic, achievement-oriented things and, yet, it is so much more.)

The gifted humans I have known are clearly intellectually advanced, deep thinking, extra-perceptive, quite analytical, creative problem solvers, highly sensitive, and intuitive. There is no doubt they crave learning new ideas, are introspective, compassionate, and make unusual connections between, oh, all the things. Being academic, achieving in a school setting, may not be where…

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Daily Gospel Reflection, Courtesy of Bishop Robert Barron

Matthew 20:20-28Friends, in today’s Gospel, the mother of James and John asks Jesus in their name that they might play leading roles in his kingdom. This Gospel reveals that the brothers are in a bad spiritual place. We have to move from the play that we are writing, directing, and starring in to the play … Continue reading Daily Gospel Reflection, Courtesy of Bishop Robert Barron

A 09/11/01 Phone Call Ends in a Lesson on Giving Thanks

Just thinking, how surprise events and happenings tend to change our lives ... and the change can be for the good or for the better. Yesterday was, as we all know, a remembrance day for our September 11, 2001 tragedy. That day has a special meaning for me, as I will explain. Shortly after I … Continue reading A 09/11/01 Phone Call Ends in a Lesson on Giving Thanks